Walking with Oma - Angie Littlefiled

May 8
Bleckede - Lauenburg

May 9
Lauenburg - Geesthacht

May 10
Geesthacht - Fünfhausen Transfer to Geesthacht

Angie Littlefield • Lauenburg

Check out the Photo Galleries: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Houses that Talk

For many kilometres now, the houses have born inscriptions. They testify to an equal belief in God and fate. Their messages date back hundreds of years. They speak of an ancient connection to the land.

Fame and Hotel Moeller

When I arrived in Lauenburg a reporter was waiting. We had a lovely time together on a terrace overlooking the now very broad Elbe. Lauenburg was clearly a shipping town. Our "fame" had now proceeded us and David and I were accorded the best rooms in the house. My room looked over the ancient town of Lauenburg. A lading hook, to get goods to the top storey, hung outside my room. With blisters blooming and Hamburg approaching, it's journey's end.

A Rock in Lauenburg

The Rock indicates 932.6K to the Elbe's source in the Reisengebirge of the Czech Republic. From Lauenburg to the mouth of the Elbe at Cuxhaven is another 158.4K. That's a total of 1091K

heather at UdelohIn Search of the Heide/Heather

As a young child my parents would holiday in the nearby Lunebuerger Heide. Today we we went on the search for this place where I learned to love wandering through fields and woods. We found it at Udeloh where there were also some very lovely gardens.


Rock and Metal

The rock and metal are to show the works of nature and man connected through art in a way that only man can do.


When we lived in Hamburg our family went to the Luneburger Heide for holidays.  The paths through these forests and heathlands are where I learned my love of walking.  David and I searched until we found fields of heather ….


Angie Littlefield | 416.282.0646 | angie.littlefield@yahoo.ca